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EdTrust hits $1 million milestone

June 11, 2013 Kim Dewar, ATA News Staff

The legacy of a generous Alberta teacher was his gift of learning. In the late 1970s, a bequest of $14,000 from Frederick William Powell allowed for the creation of the ATA Educational Trust (EdTrust), a unique charitable organization with a mandate to encourage and support teachers’ professional learning.

EdTrust, through its bursary and grant programs, encourages teachers to advance their knowledge and teaching skills by enrolling in courses of study or attending specialist council conferences. Each year, EdTrust awards bursaries worth $600 and grants worth $400. Also offered each year are curriculum or resource project grants that support the development of research or practical classroom resources. These resources become part of the ATA’s professional lending library. EdTrust owes its ­continued growth to the financial support of teachers and community ­members who see the value in supporting teachers’ professional growth.

This year, EdTrust reached a milestone by providing more than $1 million in grants and bursaries to support Alberta’s teachers.

EdTrust receives thank-you cards from teachers expressing gratitude for a grant or bursary. Here are a couple of comments from 2013: “Thank you for the grant to attend the science council conference. I appreciate the support and was pleased to attend this worthwhile conference,” and “Thank you very much for the bursary you provided! ­Having the support of the ATA as I pursue my masters means a lot to me. My course was valuable in making me a stronger teacher and I certainly plan to keep developing my skills.”

EdTrust thanks this year’s ­donors, in particular delegates attending this year’s Annual Representative Assembly, who donated more than $36,450.

To learn more about EdTrust’s programs or to make a tax-­deductible donation, please visit the EdTrust’s website at and click on For Members and then on Grants, Awards & Scholarships.

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